Sometimes a girl is just too big to fit and needs a little more space! For Lady D's longer performances, you can download them locally to your own device - a desktop or laptop computer, or a smartphone with plenty of space! - and enjoy them whenever you want without being connected.

These downloads will take a little longer, but are totally worth the wait. Download speeds will vary depending on your data plan: the faster your bandwidth, the faster the download will be!

Right-click (or long-press if you're on a smartphone) on each link and chooose "Save link as...", "Download Link", or a similar option, then specify the location where you want the video file. Use a video or media player on your local device where you placed the file, watch, and cheer!

November 18, 2020 Performance (1.273 GB)
November 17, 2020 Drag View (1.782 GB)
November 12, 2020 Performance (1.069 GB)
November 10, 2020 Talk Show (1.080 GB)
November 5, 2020 Performance (1.100 GB)
October 29, 2020 Performance (1.143 GB)